
What is going on here?

As you may or may not have seen from the home page, my name is Ryan Hallman, and this website is for the organization Gnosis Health. I created this organization and website to allow individuals to connect with my current work.

I have been working in technology, kind of properly, since 2001. I created or co-created a few tech startups; some did fairly well, others not as well. I also had significant stints at big tech companies like Salesforce and Google. Mainly, my work has been customer-facing engineering, helping sell, design, and oversee implementations of technology systems for businesses and the associated stakeholders.

In 2023, I decided to change careers to do something quite different and more personally meaningful to me. So, I am now completing my Master's degree in Mental Health Counseling at the University of Rochester in New York.

While completing grad school, three things mainly keep me busy on top of school:

  • Coaching: I am looking to work with a small handful of mentally healthy clients for experimental coaching, using some innovative new techniques I am developing.

  • Software: I am keenly interested in software and AI. I am building some app prototypes for mental health and love staying abreast of the mental-health-tech space.

  • Philosotherapy: Since 2019, I have been rigorously and autodidactically studying philosophy. I couple this with group facilitation twice a week on Meetup.com.

If any of these things are interesting to you, please reach out. Maybe you would like to be a coaching client. Maybe you want to use, or help build, the software I am prototyping. Or maybe you want to help me with Philosotherapy by reading philosophy and facilitating groups. Or maybe there is something else! I think I would like to try and be open to serendipity.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by this corner of the web. There is a photo of me below. I look forward to the potential of collaborating with you.
