Know thyself

— Inscribed at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi


Hello, my name is Ryan Hallman. Gnosis Health is the name I gave to this organization for the provision of coaching and consulting services. I am currently studying Mental Health Counseling (MHC) at the University of Rochester, in New York.


I am still in graduate school and not yet licensed to offer therapy. Instead, I am seeking a limited number of coaching clients for "philosotherapy" at $40 per session. I am looking for mentally healthy individuals interested in innovative approaches to personal growth and breakthroughs.


In my previous career, I spent around 20 years working in technology. I am interested in exploring the use of software and AI to help in mental health. I’m currently building some software in this space. In our coaching work together, we can, if you'd like, securely use AI and software to accelerate insight development.


I am developing a coaching technique called “philosotherapy,” which combines traditional psychological counseling with my studies in philosophy. Since 2019, I have been refining this technique through my reading practice and Meetup group in New York City, and now with a second group in Rochester.